News 477948

News record: [477948] Trial rollout of Morphbank 3

The latest version of Morphbank is almost ready for release at This version is live on the production database. Please send feedback with any issues that arise.
You'll notice many new and many familiar features. The most obvious new feature is the search bar at the top of the home page.
You may notice some decrease in load times.
The links to show pages from My Manager now use simple URLs instead of links using javascript. This means that you can right click on the links and copy the URL. The show pages will typically open in a different window, but the new window will have regular browser buttons instead of the previous restricted "popup" pages.
A new zoomable image browser has been installed. This is the "Bischen" browser developed by Seth Kaufman for the CollectiveAccess project. The fsi viewer remains available for now.
(all past news)